Wednesday 1 June 2011

More new music

One of my recent 'discoveries' has been some excellent music on t'interweb, available for free in some cases or for whatever you want to pay, through sites such as Bandcamp.

I've already written here about the work of Matt Stevens - an artist whose work I greatly admire - and it was through accessing his music that I discovered the multitude of great musicians who make their music available over the web. His band The Fierce and the Dead have recently released their album 'If it carries on like this we're moving to Morecambe', which is an excellent example of 'post-rock', a powerful and passionate piece with overtones of King Crimson in places.

It was through Matt's involvement in a project called 'Singularity' that I began to discover the work of The Echelon Effect, Circadian Eyes and Sky Flying By. Liking what I'd heard on the compilation I checked out some of their other material, and was not disappointed: a mix of progressive sounds, post rock and electronic music with a contemporary feel that I keep going back to.

One of my favourite finds though is the work of Earlyguard. This is not everyone's cup of tea - my wife thinks it's pointless noise - but I think this music is wonderfully serene, quiet, minimalist ambient textures of sound that have the ability to take you to pleasant places and leave you feeling better about yourself and the world. His latest offering is an almost hour-long piece called Haiku - well worth a listen: you can find it here. In a similar vein is the work of Jane's Scenic Drive and Lowercase Noises - not as minimalist as Earlyguard but just as enjoyable. Do give them a listen, and maybe let me know what you think.

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