Monday 28 March 2011


So, how do you cope when things don't go the way you'd hoped?

I've just received news today that has frustrated me and left me quite deflated. I'd applied for a job that I thought I had at least a chance of being interviewed for, and one that I felt reasonably confident I could do, but have learnt today that I have not made the short list.

Naturally throughout the process of considering the post, filling out the application, submitting the form and waiting for a response I have been praying. My prayer has never been that I might get the job, but that whatever the outcome it would be the right thing. I believe that's the right way to pray - not forcing God's hand, but working to attune my will to God's.

So if my prayers have been answered, then I know that it wasn't right for me to get this job. Surely I should be pleased? After all, "we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him" [Romans 8:28 NIV]. But that still doesn't stop me being disappointed: knowing God's will doesn't necessarily mean you're going to be comfortable with it in the short term. Yet God must have something for me, and like Abram I may only get to see the way one step at a time. Next step: my re-invitation is being considered this summer...

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