Monday, 10 January 2011

What do you think of it so far?

I've not been at this blogging lark for long, and I'm the kind of person who has, as one of his many character faults, an insatiable urge to know whether he's doing things right or not (and who usually thinks that he's completely messing things up).

I have to confess to being really grateful that people are taking time out of their busy days to read this, but would it be too much of an imposition to ask those of you who do read what I write a simple question: how am I doing? I realise that the crazy world that I live in can be somewhat confusing for me sometimes, so I've no idea what it's doing to you, but if you could let me know, I'm sure it would help.

In the meantime I'd like to indulge myself and share with you a hymn that I wrote for a service during Advent, which in my humbler moments I feel deserves a wider audience. What do you think?

How can we show the love of God,
his passion and his power,
and offer him undying praise
within this sacred hour?
How can we show the love of God?
With lips and hearts that raise
unending songs of glory to
our God, Ancient of Days.

How can we show the love of God
to those who only see
their hopelessness, and long for him
to set his people free?
How can we show the love of God?
By standing in the breach
and speaking in his name for those
his mercy longs to reach.

How can we show the love of God
who died for you and me;
Atoning Lamb, our sacrifice,
once nailed upon a tree?
How can we show the love of God?
We take this bread and wine
and bring to mind his dying love
and praise the Life Divine.

Copyright © John L Simms 2010

Suggested Tune: Vox Dilecti

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